one of ‘integer’, ‘number’, or ‘logical’ an ‘in’ keyword one of ‘chars’, ‘characters’, ‘words’, ‘items’, or ‘lines’ a comma or a right parenthesis [P25] You’re giving too many arguments to this function call. [P24] (obs.: can’t use ‘styled’ here) right parenthesis identifier, constant, or keyword ‘character, ‘word’, or ‘subfield’ [P21] You can’t use more than one of ‘un/non/styled’, ‘marked’ and ‘into’ in this ‘put’ statement. a ‘marked’ keyword [P19] Anchored text boxes are not yet supported. , but found the selected text instead (or ran into the end of the prototype). [P17] Xdata expected to find [P16] This prototype is too large for the available memory. an identifier (after the ‘previous’ keyword) an identifier or a constant an ‘of’ keyword a constant an identifier or a comma a ‘to’ keyword an identifier an ‘into’ keyword an ‘endif’ keyword a ‘then’ keyword or an end of statement an end of statement the end of the prototype [P3] You’re using an open chevron («) somewhere without a matching close chevron (»). [P2] You’re using this closing chevron (») without first using an open chevron («). [P1] You can’t change character styles here, inside an Xdata statement.